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Summer Sunshine


What do you feel when you are outside in the summer sunshine?

Sit outside and feel the warmth on your face. What does it give to you?

Do you feel more positive? Blissful? Does your energy increase? Or do you feel like you could finally relax for a moment in the middle of a busy day?

Take some time today and pause in the sunshine. Let it fill you with warm, positive energy. And then…

go do something with that new found greatness.

I love to sit outside and write. I watch my children play. I listen to the sounds of laughter fill the air. It does wonders for my mood.

Today my kids have friends over. I set up some great backyard water play for them. I looked forward to sitting outside editing, while they play. I couldn’t wait to hear the squeals of laughter as they ran through running water. Lemonade awaits them at our outdoor bar. The ceiling fans are cooling our patio, waiting to blow my hair as I sit and edit to the sounds of children playing.

Our friends got here just about thirty minutes ago.

Three kids are in the basement playing Minecraft. Two are in an upstairs bathroom doing their nails.

It’s clear to me now.

I had a plan. It involved all the beauty of warm summer air.

They need the sunshine I planned to give them!

Published inLife stuff