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We could all use an extra day in our week. Added to our weekend would be even better.

Many days we feel we could do more if we have extra hours in our day.

Time is the one thing we cannot stop nor control.

I was talking this morning about work habits. Do you check your email all day? Respond as soon as your phone tells you someone has connected with you? Are you the kind of person that checks your email once in the morning and once in the afternoon?

How about social media? Do you follow the same rules for yourself or do you just jump and go into the mind suck when you feel you need a getaway?

Zillow has been my new mind suck lately. When I feel I should be writing but am stuck thinking, I hope on to Zillow and get lost in neighborhoods I know nothing about.

But does that mean we need more time? Or just better time management?

I’d love a day between Saturday and Sunday.

But I can’t help but wonder if I would use it wisely or if it would just be another day with chores, errands, writing, and childcare.

If you had an extra day, what would you walk away from? And what would you do with it?

Published inLife stuff