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Professional Services

Editing Services

I always tell clients and authors editing is not as black and white as the words against the page. Before you choose an editor, take some time to get to know what your needs are to assist in publishing your best work.

Are you looking for someone who knows grammar like a fifth-grade teacher?

Will your editor work for you best if they focus on line by line work and craft each sentence without a focus on story development?

Do you need someone who can help develop your story from the moment you start crafting or to help you fill in the blanks once it’s written?

It’s important to know what you need and what your editor will provide before signing with an editor. I work with independent authors to create storytelling through engaging content, story arcs, and character arcs. Whether my clients are looking for a Copy Editor, a Line Editor, a Development Editor, or a Content Editor, I listen to their concept and their vision and set goals to create the best piece possible. I believe in author/editor partnership and want the best work to come from my clients. Can I help you create your best work too?

For new authors who are not familiar with which service they need, here are a few things which might help in your writing journey:

Copy Editing: This is basic and simple editing. In copy edits, I will read the piece checking for grammatical errors, punctuation, and consistency. As I read through, I’ll note if something doesn’t fit the story or if the story may be missing an element, but I won’t dive too deep in noting what doesn’t fit.

Line Editing: In line editing, I look at each line and how it relates to the ones before it and the ones which follow. Along with copy editing each line, I will dive deeper into the story. While deep into the story, you want to make sure your voice isn’t lost in each line edit. Here is where syntax works for you and your style.

Development Editing: When I work with authors at a development level, I focus from the start of their project and stay with them through completion. This means copy and line edits as well as a deeper look into story and character arcs. In development editing, your story needs to flow from start to finish with your voice, the voices of your characters, and engage your readers. To accomplish this, I will ensure we look at your arcs and development of your story in little pieces and as a whole. Line and copy edits are included in development editing.


If your book is finished and you have contracted with an editor, the next step is for a proofreader to give it a cold read. This person shouldn’t be the same person as your editor. As editors, we read and re-read, edit, then read the same material time and again. A proofreader should be reading your material for the first time. A cold read will help a good proofreader catch typos and errors. We all have them – even authors from the Big Five traditional publishers. It happens. None of us want it to happen, but we are human, and even the computer editing programs we’ve created over the years are flawed. In proofreading, I use several tricks I’ve learned over the past ten years or so in this business to proof the work my clients write.


If you are a new or young writer, I offer writing coaching opportunities as well. I like to focus my coaching on children and creative writing, but I’ve taken adults from writers to authors too. My coaching typically includes workshops and classes which I offer throughout the year. If you are looking for personal coaching, please reach out to me to see if we are a good fit based on your needs. Otherwise, keep an eye out for workshops I teach.

Site Content Editing and Writing

Are you looking to build your own service or products for your website and need an editor who can manage a group of writers, edit their work, as well as write content? I do that too. In fact, when I take breaks between my own writing and allow my novels to grow cold enough for me to read and edit them again, writing content for my web clients keeps my fingers moving and my creativity flowing. It’s important for a freelance writer to understand the brand for which they write. I take time to get to my clients, their services, their needs, and their customers so the content I write for them reaches the masses as if they wrote it themselves. If that works for your site and your needs, please reach out to me and let me know how I can help build your business.