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Haven’t Seen For a While – Pat McGee


I used to run. I used to love it. Then I stopped. I stopped running and I stopped loving it. Then I tried again. And I liked it. Today I took a three mile walk on the trail I love with the sounds of life far off and quiet nature nearby. Because it’s so quiet, it’s a great place to think. If I’m running it’s a great place to just shut down and move.

For some reason today I knew I was going to walk, though I probably ran about half a mile. So I didn’t pick a great motivating get moving quickly playlist. I picked Pat McGee. If you don’t know Pat McGee and his fabulous band, go to Milk Music, iTunes, Amazon or whichever music outlet you prefer and buy his music. I knew him back in the 90s when I was living in VA and promoting small bands. We’re all grown up now, but for me his music is timeless. OK…go…did you forget? Milk, iTunes, Amazon…go.

Now. I’ll wait.

La da dee da…Ok, yes, I can wait while you queue your playlist. Start with Haven’t Seen For a While. No, wait…I’ll just put it here.

So I was on this walk, trying to keep up a healthy heart rate while listening to singer songwriter music and thinking of my current book. This song is what it needs. Ideas were flowing. Right there in the middle of a field, the birds were chirping, critters scurrying under the tall grass and Pat McGee was filling my soul. I was back in Virginia in the 90s, young, vibrant, writing songs, living life but never knowing what’s coming next and always missing something. Something that wouldn’t be there until I journeyed back to Colorado. The main character in my book needs to take a journey that awakens her senses and her soul. She’s lost in a past she can’t get back, a past that dies in her arms and a future that only she can create…if only she can open her mind to resolve her past.

Thank you Pat, for the journeys 20 years ago and the ones still coming! And for this morning; from 1800 miles away, you spoke to me again.

Published inLife stuff